Debugger for MySQL: Watches

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Debugger for MySQL: Watch list


Watches are absolutely indispensable when it comes to serious debugging. Watches enable you to monitor any number of expressions and variables in the current stack frame context. As the lines of code are executed, the context changes and so do the variables, so the data is updated dynamically. To set a watch, either type an expression or select an expression, variable or another element you want to trace and use the “Run -> Add Watch” command of the main menu (or press the Ctrl+F5 hotkey combination). Please note that you can even use expressions without variables in watches – for instance, current_date() will return the current date.

Latest version

The latest version has been released on September 11, 2021

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"...Aptly named “Debugger for MySQL”, I found this inexpensive tool to be quite easy to get the hang of, since it looks and behaves like most programming debugging environments."

"...Debugger for MySQL is a prime example of a tool that does one thing and does it well."


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